Brucella is a highly infectious, gram-negative bacteria that affect many animal types and also humans. The Brucella and subspecies are facultative intracellular parasites that cause chronic disease and is said to be contracted through unpasteurized milk and dairy, as well as aerosols when working with Brucella in laboratories. It infects mainly the blood, the lymphnodes, and bone marrow.
Symptoms can include - fever, sweats, malaise, chronic fatigue, headache, joint/muscle pain, arthritis, depression, swelling of the heart (endocartitis), neurological disorders, among others. The accepted treatment is antibiotics. How effective they are is another question.
It is said that Brucella has played a large part in weaponizing other disease organisms. There is information out there that indicates a crystalline form of Brucella, along with Mycoplasma, has been made and added to other pathogens to make them more immunosuppressive. This would have been done in bioweapons development and we are seeing the results today in many forms of disease that cause chronic illness.